Friday, December 16, 2011

Kindergarten Creativity

Artists at work on the Promethean Board during Centers Time.

Santa tree

A close-up of our door

Mrs. Moro's work of art.

More reindeer with our own handprints.

Just a few random videos

Haley and Aiden reading their sentences. I tried to trick them because they all expected for it to say, "Humpty Dumpy sat on a wall."

Spin A Number Math game on the Promethean Board

Ben and Jingles House visits





The students (and I) are really loving hearing about all the adventures of our classroom elves. The pictures you guys are adding are priceless :)

I've been busy....

The holidays are coming quickly this year and I have been spending every free second getting my Christmas items together for my daughters :) Please forgive me for not updating the blog in a while...I have quite a few posts coming your way!

The Swann Girls

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Tuesday

Mrs. Moro has been out for awhile and came back ready to start decorating! She had some assistance with our class holiday tree.

Adding the finishing touches.

Engaged in a lesson. Our kiddos are such good listeners!

We are learning the letter Hh this week and are practicing reading and reciting this nursery rhyme. Today we did a letter and sight word hunt throughout the poem.

We also made this cute puppets to help act out the rhyme.

We celebrate and learn about all the holidays this month. Here are some of our Hanukkah decorations.

We have quite a few birthdays this month.

The Kindergarten Hallway all decorated :) Great job Mrs. Moro!!

Our room :)

Santa is always watching!

We have also welcomed 2 new "students" into our classroom.

We had a class vote to pick names and discussed graphs a little bit more.

Meet Jingles and Ben. They will be coming home next week instead of Fred the Frog (he will be on vacation)!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The gift of caring

Mrs. Henry (our guidance counselor) taught the students a lesson on caring and sharing today. They listened to a story about a town where the bells would ring everytime someone did something nice. The bells were constantly ringing! The students were able to act out their parts during the story.

Your child came home today with a bell sheet. Each time they do something nice around the house (clean-up, play well with siblings, etc) they are to color in one of the small bells. Once their sheet is all filled, please send it back to school and Mrs. Henry has a surprise for them :)

Mrs. Henry also left me a website to follow up the lesson that you can check out at home: